Welcome to Friends. This is a page that has all the classmates and friends of mine in life. Please be comfortable to look at the pictures of my friends and classmates.

Chinatown, LA

R euion with one of best friends in Chinatown, L.A.


W e were taken at Edgewater Park, Cleveland

Nice lunch

O ne of the good friends came back Cleveland for visit


B BQ outdoor party in Mentor, Cleveland

Put in Bay

W E visited Put-in-Bay in Ohio

Riding horses

R iding horses on East of Cleveland was very exciting

ivus group

C oworkers and I were taken at outside of the company

Have a nice lunch!

I t is always nice to get together for a lunch.

Many people croweded in a small room.

W e had a good-bye party before one of the best friends had to leave of the town.

I had a fun time in SeaWorld!

I n Sea World, there are animals related to sea, like sea dog, seagull, seahorse, sea urchin.., except seaking.

Guys talk!!

G uys talk. No permit for gals at all.

Happy Birthday to You!!!

I had a great time in my classmate's birthday party.....

Ready for Karaoke?

U niversity classmates and I were singing Karaoke in Columbus, Ohio

Am I look handsome?

H elloooo!!!Look at me.....Say Cheesee.....

Ocean Park is exciting!

H ere is a picture of high school classmates which was taken in Ocean Park, Hong Kong, S.A.R.

Sing-a-song is fun!!

P eople like Karaoke so much in Hong Kong. You can tell from looking at their faces

Wow, this Hongkong airport is huge!!

W e were in a new-built airport in Lantau, Hong Kong S.A.R.

H.K. Lantau Airport is magnificent!!

H umm...this brand new airport wasn't crowded with people as the old airport usually did in past.